Financial Assistance Options:
The following options may be available to assist you financially:
1. PayPal Pay Later Options. PayPal now offers a Pay Monthly option that requires no down payment and has no late fees. Payment amounts vary with each option and is subject to credit approval. To apply, select pay via PayPal during check out and select Pay Monthly.
2. MyCAA Scholarship. This scholarship is provided to qualified military spouses. Create an account with Military One Source to see if you are qualified.
3. Personal loan through a bank or credit union. Visit your local bank to find out if you qualify for a personal loan to use towards your education. If you do not have strong credit, or if you do not have any credit at all, you may need to find someone who does to act as a co-signer to help you with the loan.
4. Climb Credit. Available for Clinical Medical Assistant & Administrative Medical Assistant Diploma programs only. If you do not have strong credit, or if you do not have any credit at all, you may need to find someone who does to act as a co-signer to help you with the loan.
5. Vocational Rehabilitation. If you have a disability and your disability has created difficulties with you preparing for a job, securing a job or keeping a job, you may be eligible for services with Voc Rehab. Your counselor will determine which work opportunities are best for you and may be able to assist you with job training such as the NAI program.
6. Eastern Carolina Human Services. The program offers education support through financial aid, academic guidance, and career counseling. Services include tuition assistance, book funding, childcare, and transportation aid to help individuals, including veterans and low-income students, complete their education and secure careers.
7. Employer Sponsorship. We are seeing more and more employers, especially those in the healthcare field, sponsoring their employees to take one of our healthcare training programs with us. If you currently work for a facility that hires the various healthcare assistants, talk to your HR Director or Administrator about the possibility of them assisting you with your education.
8. Clergy Sponsorship. Check with your personal clergy to see if there are options available to you for tuition assistance